We never did take pictures of the cool buildings of the UL campus, so Gary took these his last night there. This is the awesome pedestrian bridge over the Shannon he'd cross every day to get to the Irish World Academy Building.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Our Last Ireland Pics
We never did take pictures of the cool buildings of the UL campus, so Gary took these his last night there. This is the awesome pedestrian bridge over the Shannon he'd cross every day to get to the Irish World Academy Building.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Jiggety Jig
"Heartbroken to be leaving Ireland. Boxing and cleaning up suck to begin with; leaving a place we love makes it all worse! Shouldn't be ungrateful though. Thank you Ireland for four wonderful months!"
I was heartbroken to leave Ireland. I'm not even completely sure why, but I cried on and off for a week before we left. I think it had something to do with adventure, with opportunity, with a simplified life, with seeing my children valued and loved in what we thought would be a foreign environment, with making new, unexpectedly close friends, with being together in a whole new way. I fell in love with Ireland and its people because we got to know them, go to their schools, eat at their houses, play with their children, see with new eyes. I loved all the tender mercies and beautiful moments we experienced there.
Hm, can't think about that right now. It's making me weepy.
The trip home was fairly uneventful. Our dear regular taxi driver Christy took us to the airport (at 5:30 AM, after being up till 2:30 cleaning and packing the last load of laundry - WHY do we do that to ourselves???), and we said goodbye to dear little 20 Compostella. We did have to absolutely tear through Heathrow to get to our connecting flight to Dallas after unexpectedly going through security for the second time (out of three, if you can believe that). We were a little sweaty from our jog up two flights of the most enormous escalators and down interminable corridors, but we made it. Kids did great on the flight, again due to BA's personalized tvs for each seat. We had a refreshingly yummy dinner of ribs and blue cheese wedge salad at TGIFridays in Dallas - our first time eating out at a restaurant, besides the one in Carcassonne, two Pizza Huts and our Golden Grill experience, in four months), then boarded the plane and slept, in spite of all our best intentions, all the way home to SLC where Nana and Papa brought the Black Beast to pick us up.
Only they didn't really need the huge car after all, because none of our luggage made the Heathrow flight. Two days later and we still don't know where it is. Sigh. But, we are currently comfortably ensconced in Nana and Papa's beautiful house, playing the Wii and dressups and working out (for the first time in way too long!). Ireland already feels miles and years away, almost as if another life. I will not ever forget it though, and am so glad I blogged about it so I can always remember this amazing journey we took.
I was VERY happy to see my car though!
We go to Gary's parents' house tomorrow for the Larsen Christmas, then it's off to Maui for ten days. And after that we return to the tundra... which I don't want to think about right now because I just finished three days of packing and cleaning in Ireland - too soon to think about doing it all over again in Idaho!
Merry Christmas everybody! And thank you again Ireland for a great ride.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The Botts

More Friends!
We also got to hang out this week with Mats (also faculty from UL) and Emma (from Sweden), and their three kids and two dogs, at a farewell dinner at their house. Of course, I forgot my camera for that one which was typical but too bad. I also give a shout-out to the Kelly families from church, particularly Michael and Ann, and Alex and David. Dear, wonderful people the lot of them! We will miss them very much!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
2011 Christmas Card Text
Larsen Lessons Learned 2011
*Kids who want horseback riding lessons can be conned into doing all kinds of crazy chores!
*Grandparents are treasures and good friends and neighbors are blessings from above.
*We are dog people! Every kid needs a dog. Every mom, too.
*Sometimes your kids are ready for milestones before you are, like Spencer (4) taking off on his 2-wheeler bike and Maggie (10) and Sophie (7) braving it out in a new school. On a new continent. Who told them they could all grow up so fast?
*Dancing is a great way to stay fit and have fun. So is hosting 26 people at your house for 10 days during the Idaho International Dance Festival! Good times.
*Sophie can get motion sick in 6.21 minutes, while Spencer invariably throws up when there is 1.8 minutes left in the road trip.
*Healthy food will make you strong. But candy will make you rich! Or will it? (see Kid Histories Episode 6 on YouTube)
*Starfall.com and Leap Frog dvds can teach your four year old
how to read.
*When moving to Ireland for four months, be sure to take: valid passports, Taco Bell taco seasoning, legos, a Kindle or IPad, and good walking shoes. And don't miss the Medieval Feast at Bunratty Castle, Killarney, the Burren, the Chateau D'Usse, and the top of the Eiffel Tower! (Yes, I know those last two are in France.) And don't tear your Achilles the day before you leave.
*Eating dinner in a castle was cool, but spending the night in one was even better!
*Getting back into academic lingo after being on the creative side of University life for ten years is painful,
but the PhD is a worthy goal.
*You don't have to be an adult to appreciate
the musical Les Miserables.
*Starting the day with a Mormon Message and scripture time at breakfast totally changes our morning dynamic!
Bribery doesn't hurt either.
*Ireland's weather is nasty but it's people are just lovely.
*San Diego, Aspen Grove, Ireland, France and Maui in one year = one very lucky family
*We have had so many amazing adventures, both in faraway lands an in our own backyard. We thank the Lord for these experiences, and for having wonderful friends and family like you! Merry Christmas!
Love, The Larsens
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
It's late and I'm emotional...
I will miss my kitchen here, my electric kettle and the sofa where I read with Spence every day. I love that I did Zumba dozens of times right in front of the mini fridge. (I won't miss the mini fridge though! or all the black and white - so hard to keep clean!) I'll miss the basil growing in my window, and the view of the garden out the sliding glass doors. I'll miss the kids' cosy bedroom with the beds all pushed together, Spencer and Liesl's giggles as they hunted for "ghostes" in their play, and snacks of panda toast, white cheddar and muesli (not all at once). This house has more than filled our needs and has been the backdrop of some of the happiest times our family has ever had. Hard thinking that in another week, it will be empty, or someone else will be living here, using these plates and chairs and looking out my windows.
I'll miss the walk to the college, through avenues of trees which changed from green to gold to gone during our stay here. The pool at the Rec center. The big field where we played soccer and watched rugby and had picnics on the hills. I'll miss the beautiful river and its tranquil, scenic pathways and ruins. About a month ago Maggie planted an acorn in a pot that we placed in our kitchen window. It sprouted and we planted the graceful little seedling by the wooden throne along the river walk - someday we'll come see it again!
We gave Christy, our regular Sunday taxi driver, some frosted sugar cookies, and a book of Mormon with a picture of our family in it with all our contact information. I totally choked up as he drove us to church for the last time last Sunday! He's been good to us as well. Always on time, chatty, and kind. He showed up with boxes of chocolates for the kids as well. Good people here.
I'll miss Heather and the Botts - I almost feel bad leaving them here in this neighborhood full of students and transient renters. I'm sure they'll make more friends and do all kinds of good around the area, but, I know I'd be heartbroken if they left us! :-) Thanks Heather for all the good talks, outings, and recipe- and child-swapping. And for being a true friend!
I will NOT miss walking or biking to the grocery store, and taking the bus to get downtown. Can't wait to get my lovely car back!!!
I've been very happy here, enjoying the simple life of just keeping house and being Mom. Spence and I have gotten so close that I almost don't want to send him to preschool when we get back - what will I do without my little buddy? The girls have learned so much from school, and Gary's been stretched in all kinds of new ways. How have I grown you ask? My epiphanies include realizing that I needed to watch my everyday tone and make sure it is positive and happy. I need to keep working on not treating motherhood responsibilities as a chore and to do them better than I have been. I need to increase the humor and axe the grumpiness. And have FUN with my kids and husband as a priority to keeping a family together and happy. We've upped our family scriptural and spiritual dialog, and have set good habits that we are determined to continue. Amazing what time and absence of distractions will do for self-awareness!
A few years ago, I made a list of things I wanted to do before I died; among the "see the grandchildren" and "be to my kids' marriages" (hopefully not in that order), on the list was "visit Paris again" and "have one last trip to Maui." Since we were at the top of the Eiffel tower just over a month ago, and will be in Maui in about two weeks, guess I need to find some new dreams and fast! I've had so many dreams come true, so many wonderful (and stressful, and crazy, and growth-inducing) things happen to us. And I am very grateful.
Above is Joseph Kroupa (Esq.), an old BYU PAC crony, who brought his aunt and his brother over for dinner. We offered them a night on our sofas (probably the most uncomfortable sofas in the entire world) but they were too busy staying in castles and catching their first class flights (the aunt works for Delta) to do more than dine and dash. Still, we were delighted to have a chance to see Joe again! We were all good pals back in the folk dance days.
I need to get a picture of the Extons as well; their daughter Saorise (pronounced Seer-sha) is in Sophie's class and their son Odhrin (Orin) is in Maggie's. (He's kind of her crush as well; I approve because he's a very good boy! and because her version of having a crush is that they chase each other during big break playing tag.) They've been so good to us as well; knowing that we were strangers in a strange land, they invited us over for dinner, drove us to a farmer's market downtown one Saturday, and had the kids over for birthday parties. What a gift they've been to us. Thanks Geraldine and Chris!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Cultural Observations
Things Ireland Does Better:
-Recycling. I'm not sure if it's legislated or what, but everyone here has two rubbish bins, one regular and one for recyclables, and you have to wash out anything that can be recycled and put it in the appropriate container. Also, bags at the store cost money, encouraging the purchase and reuse of the durable fabric grocery bags. A pain at first, especially when you've left yours at home, but you get used to it quickly. It makes sense.
-Squash. In the USA most fruit beverages come either fresh or frozen, but here it comes either fresh or in "squash" form, which is in a room-temperature bottle of concentrated syrup that you just add to water. Some of it is actually quite healthy as well. It's nice in that it's one less thing I have to try to fit in my freezer.
-shopping cart returns. You have to insert a one-euro coin in to free a shopping cart, ensuring that you return it to get your coin back. Makes sense - the grocery store doesn't have to pay someone to round up loose carts.
-switches on the electrical sockets - makes it so much easier to not waste power! You have to turn on the socket for it to provide electricity. Very handy.
-electric kettles - love them! Need one at home.
Things I Like Better in the USA:
-Food - it has taste! Irish food we found to be heavy and bland. We heard a joke that Irish food was bad English food. It's kind of true. I don't really understand their passion for soda bread, flavorless scones, and pig products. Even their salt and vanilla flavoring is substantially weaker. That's why we really didn't eat out much... luckily I found some of my favorite Himalayan salt at a specialty food store!
-Cleaning supplies. Irish window cleaner leaves amazing, greasy streaks, as does the counter cleaner we bought.
-Laundry! To this day I don't understand how people (mostly the older generation) in a cold, rainy country would ever choose to line-dry their laundry. Even when presented with the option of a dryer. Nope, it still baffles me. Every penny I spend on drying my clothes is a penny well spent in my humble opinion!
-Disposals! Get them, use them, love them Ireland!
-hot water heaters always on so I don't have to wait for a warm shower. Also, our heating systems keep houses much warmer, even if they are more expensive. I'm not a big fan of radiators.
-how they bag your groceries for you at the grocery store, and even take them out to you car for you free of charge! Lovely!
-Parental and technological involvement in the school system. In the USA, parents are invited, encouraged, almost begged to be involved in their children's academic experience. In Ireland, you drop your kid off and then parents are pushed out the door. The State has them until 2:40 every day. And no email addresses or online progress reports are to be had to facilitate parent-teacher communications. As far as I know, official parent teacher conferences are not a regular thing here. I like knowing, and participating in, what's going on in my children's classrooms. Overall, I think my kids' schools in Idaho (to and from which they happily get bussed each day) are better than their school in Ireland, academically and organization-wise. I do love that they get to go to school here though, just for the sake of experience!
-Cleaning supplies. Three wipedowns later and my windows are still streaky here in Ireland.
-Not a great fan of socialism. I don't mean to criticize a system I don't fully understand, but from what I've seen, it does not make a happier, cleaner, more educated or content population. Seriously, the country's bankrupt yet everyone still insists on their age 60 retirement age, 6 months paid maternity leave and two months of vacation every year? And the nationalized medical care has really high co-pays even for a basic doctor's visit (50 euro) and we were warned by tons of people to avoid the hospitals at all costs. My friend had ovarian cysts (she thinks) but had to wait 4 months to see a specialist and to get an x-ray. BUT, as I said, I don't know all the details I've only seen a small sampling. I'm just, not impressed with what I have seen.
Just Different:
-Proportion. In Ireland everything is on a smaller scale - the cars, the houses, the kitchen appliances, the fast food serving sizes. Due to the latter possibly, the people are in general more slender as well -really hugely obese people are not numerous here (that I've seen). If you see a large person walking around here, chances are it's an American tourist. This issue of scale is in the "Different" category because there are pros and cons. The pros - less impact on the environment, I suppose. The cons, everything is so much smaller! How do people do their food storage here? and feed large families without going to the store every other day?
-school uniforms. I'm ambivalent about them. On one hand it makes it so easy to dress the kids every day, but they still get clothes dirty when they put on their play clothes after school so laundry hasn't gone down much.
-Religion in schools. All Irish public schools are under the patronage of the Catholic church, and daily prayers, hymns and lessons are to be found in every class. This I personally really like, because it's been such a springboard for religious discussion in our family, but I'd imagine that if we were atheist or Muslim or something somewhat radical, all the in-class prayers, greetings and music might worry me.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I cry like a baby from the minute Scrooge buys that outrageous turkey to the final "I'm going to have Christmas dinner with my family." Watching this movie ushers in my holiday spirit and is one of my favorite traditions. Is it because I grew up singing these songs so they are all embedded in my idealized childhood psyche? Is it because the Scrooge is perfect, the music jolly and the energy infectious? Is it because I love the themes of redemption and joyful living?
Let the holidays begin, and God bless us, every one!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
Excerpt from a letter to my grandmother, Nanny:
We had a delayed Thanksgiving here in the Emerald Isle. They don't have a Thanksgiving holiday so on Thursday Gary and the girls had to go off to classes! But we had arranged to have a big Thanksgiving feast today (Saturday) to celebrate, on a day when all the dads and kids could be here. I cooked, baked and watched Christmas movies like It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol with the kids for two days to prepare, then we had the other two American families who are here, and the missionaries, over to eat. The kids made turkeys out of construction paper and wrote things they're thankful for on the feathers while we put the finishing touches on the meal Then we sat down and ate.
Since I was in charge of the food assignments, I made sure we had all the essentials: turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes (only without the marshmallows because they don't have them here), green bean casserole (but not as good as Natalie's), jello salad, salad, stuffing, and rolls. Everyone brought a dessert too: I made Lindsey's amazing frosted sugar cookies, and the other families brought pumpkin cake and apple pie. They had to have their mom mail them a can of pumpkin and a yellow cake mix from the States to make the pumpkin cake, since you can't get either over here and they really wanted to make that recipe. And I thought I was the only one emotionally attached to the food I ate... :-)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Gratefulnesses (Is that a word?)
*being a mother. Sometimes, when I'm in the right mood, I get a thrill when I hear my kids call me "mommy." If I am half to them what my mother is to me, being a mother is a pretty darn amazing thing. I am a mommy - wow! I love my kids!
*my amazing grandmother Nanny who has always made me feel special, loved and appreciated. She is the most thoughtful, service-oriented person I know! Love you Nanny!
*the wheel. Seriously, think about it - wheels allowed my plane to take off and land to get us to Europe. Wheels helped me get to the store and back again in less than an hour on the bike. They also propels the stroller I use to wheel my groceries home when I have to walk. And there are four of the blessed things on my wonderful minivan at home! Can't wait to drive you again, powder puff!
*tender mercies. So many of them, blessing my life constantly. Finding this place to live and renters to take our home in Idaho. Having another LDS family with kids two houses away. Friends to talk to, email, love, empathize. Obedience from my kids. And I know I always talk about getting to and from church here, but seriously, sometimes it's the small tender mercies, like getting a ride home (two weeks in a row now!) or the weather being fine for the tenth Sunday in a row, which make me feel loved from on high. Or at least noticed.
*Head tickles. Especially when I have a migraine.
*Late night movies with my hubby!
*The Internet. It makes it possible for me to run our business from Europe! and keep up this personal history online so if my computer crashes (as it did yesterday) all this is still here! and is an easy way to do devotionals in the morning - thank you Mormon Messages and LDS.org.
*My body. It may be getting squidgy around the edges, and my hair and clothes lack somewhat in the style department, but my body is healthy and functional and does what I need it to do. I had back issues for a month or so last spring, which made me realize how lucky I am that I can use both my legs and arms and head however I want. I can see and hear, I can talk, I can walk and run and drive and dance. My body is great! Health is a blessing!
*An AMAZING father for my children. I really think Gary is one of the best dads out there. He is fun, creative, willing, involved, caring, hilarious. He makes up fun games (blanket tag) and builds things (snow forts, cardboard slides) that I would never think of, and the kids adore him. So do I. Love you hub - you're awesome!
*Travel. Yup. We love it.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I thought I'd give an update on our kids, long overdue, with an eye to personal growth and accomplishments. Starting with my young padawan, Spencer. Spence has had a banner three months. He has gone from being barely able to scratch out a letter or two to counting, writing, and sounding out four letter words! Almost all owed to Starfall.com and the Leap Frog videos. Okay, I've helped a little, but it's mostly him. His favorite thing as we walk to and from the grocery store together is for me to give him words to sound out and spell, or basic math problems to unravel. When he accomplishes each task successfully, his joy is unalloyed and delightful! We are loving being together during the day, and he keeps us all in hysterics with his funny faces, voices, and physical comedy. He also loves playing with his BF Liesl Botts, a little American girl just his age who lives two houses away. They play so well, making forts or running around looking for "ghostes" and fighting imaginary monsters with Spencer's collection of swords. We will miss her when we go back to the States!
Fairy Trees
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thought for the Day
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
The Valjean Quartet
Monday, November 14, 2011
Meant to post this yesterday...
It's going to be a good week!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
"Dynamite" France Recap
We made our plans plans plans plans
to take our family to France France France France
We only took two pairs of pants pants pants pants
just make sure to wash your hands hands hands hands
And we drove on and on and on
and we drove on and on and on
I wave my hands up in the air sometimes
saying ay-oh, it's Chenonceau!
I like to stay in a chateau at night
and then ay-oh, sun's up so let's go
'Cause we can drive this car
to the left and right
we can see all France
and it's dynamite!
It could rain all day
We couldn't sleep at night
but we had the time
of our very lives
Chateau D'usse was cool cool cool
saw art and ruins like in school
Always looking for some food food food food
Steak frites and Pizza Hut are good good good good
Cause we drove on and on and on
Yeah we drove on and on and on
I wave my hands up in the air sometimes
saying ay-oh, it's Chenonceau!
I like to stay in a chateau at night
and then ay-oh, sun's up so let's go
'Cause we can drive this car
to the left and right
we can see all France
and it's dynamite!
We hit Carcasonne
and it rained all day
Climbed some stairs at Nimes
The gladiator way
Through some lovely landscapes,
Only puked a couple of times.
Up the Eiffel Tower
Maggie was scared. We went to the bathroom
and I I I felt it swaying
and I I I did not want to fall, did not want to fall,
That's why I put my hands in the air
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
saying ay-oh, it's Chenonceau!
I like to stay in a chateau at night
and then ay-oh, sun's up so let's go
'Cause we can drive this car
to the left and right
we can see all France
and it's dynamite!
Louis the 14th, Marie Antoinette
they're all dead right now
but we won't forget...
Friday, November 11, 2011
France Trip Day 7: P.A.R.I.S.
On our trip, it was foreordained policy that if we came across free toilets of any kind, the whole family would use them. At the top of the Eiffel Tower, guess what? There were free toilets! So we all availed ourselves of their use. And yes, when you're sitting there 1,000 feet off the ground, you CAN feel the sway of the building in the wind. Kinda trippy.
Next we descended the Tower and grabbed a chocolate crepe to keep up our blood sugar (that was my favorite excuse) and while I was ordering it, Gary took this video of Spence. It's one of my favorite clips of our trip, and captures Spen all over:

I think I counted 12 major boulevards opening up to this famous circle, including the Champs Elysses, one of the most celebrated boulevards in the World. That's the biggie you can see from the top left to the bottom right.
We were SO proud of our kids - they did some major walking today! They walked from the Eiffel Tower, to the Arc de Triomphe, where we sat and ate an early lunch (baguettes, cheese, drinkable yogurt and fruit again) while watching the passersby (nuns, protestors, chic shoppers) on the Champs Elysses. There Sophie taught us a song in Gaelic, to the tune of the Farmer in the Dell, that sounds like "Ta ma la va te" repeated. Spencer proceeded to sing this tune down the entire stretch of the Champs Elysses while alternately walking and riding on Gary's shoulders. American kids, in Paris, singing in Gaelic - I love it!
We kept thinking that we'd hop on to a bus or metro when the kids had had it, but they just kept on going so so did we! The motivation was getting to the Tuileries Gardens ice cream stands. Along the way, we saw shimmering metal reflectors they've hung from all the trees along the Champs Elysses to make the whole place shimmer; insane lines at the Abercrombie and Fitch flag store (was Jedward there signing copies of the A&F catalogs or something?); and moped-pulled open carriages at the Place de la Concorde.
We paid our 5 euros to use the bathroom there, and compensated for not going into the museum by going to its bookstore. The kids all picked out the postcard version of their favorite art work there, and I bought a Louvre coffee table book to go with the ones I'd purchased at Versailles and of the Loire castles. The kids have since used these as their "textbooks" when they play school at home. That, and the statue galleries open to view from the escalators, was all we saw of the Louvre, however. Still, a very successful day on the whole!
I had never taken a tour of Paris' Little India quarter before, and the saris in the store windows were absolutely lovely, but after it had taken us almost an hour and a half to go 4 kilometers we were all going bonkers! After some accidental wrong turns and strange commands from the GPS, we were ready to just get out and walk. But eventually we made it to our hotel, slept well, got up early, returned our rental car, and boarded our plane to go back to Ireland. Ta da - all done. And what a ride it was! I love my husband and my kids! Thanks lads for a great time!!!