Wednesday, September 28, 2011
1) It was sunny and over 60 degrees for the second day in a row which is a serious heat wave over here! I almost felt like laying out or something. Soak up the vitamin D while you can, lads!
2) We went swimming today at the college as a family, and it felt so good to play and splash. And to not wear 16 layers for once.
3) Over the last two days, all three kids have been mesmerized by our dvd of the 02 Les Miserables 25th anniversary concert (what parts of it I'll let them watch). All three of them have begged to watch it again and again, spurring Mindy's "Let's Have A Girl's Night In London To See It For Real!" fever which has tortured me with temptation for the last 24 hours. I think I've tamed the beast and resisted the urge, because hello, we're already doing France and Ireland. We can't blow EVERYTHING on this trip. (can we?) But I was so charmed and pleased that they were interested and absorbed in one of my favorite musicals. Maggie is slightly obsessed with Cosette, and even Spencer sat quietly and watched with full attention (he liked the guns part at the barricades). Maybe we'll see a touring company in Salt Lake or something someday. Hooray, my kids are musical lovers!
I can get really cheap tickets from here to London... stop it, Mindy! geesh.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Cliffs of Moher, Stone Forts and the Burren!
The first stop was Caherconnell Stone Ring Fort. It's over 1,000 years old. Families would build stone walls in circles to protect their homes and livestock. The stones are laid without mortar between them so the wind can rush through them, allowing them to stand longer without being blown down.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
-ruins, architecture, newness, and living in a place so rich in culture and history. The delight of never knowing when you turn a corner what you're going to see - an O'Brien watch tower on a hill in the distance; a row of Georgian townhouses with their charming doors to examine; crumbling ruins of castles to oogle; and monuments of great events that happened right there where you are standing. History is so interesting when you're living among the tangible proof of its existence.
-playing with my kids on our field trips and seeing their wonder and delight as we go to new places and try new things
-that my kids get to experience school here, making friends and learning Gaelic and having some great missionary opportunities. They're finding out a lot about who they are while we're here.
-ranch dressing. I know I can get this at home too but for some reason we are all craving it daily here! I've never made so many salads!
-just being a mom and focusing on the kids without a gazillion other distractions
-reading on my kindle (again because of the lack of said distractions)
-our daily devotionals at breakfast, usually featuring conference talks on video or Mormon Messages from Moving always gives me a chance to establish new routines or improve upon others.
-the smell of peat brick fires
-the Medieval Feast. The kids still talk about it daily.
-the wild swans that live on the River Shannon which flows right through the UL campus
-hearing lots of different accents and lots of different languages spoken everywhere we go
-thatched cottages (Adare!)
-aged white Irish cheddar, and chips! But not together.
-the kind people here, esp. at church
-being closer to France! One more month...
-the garden view out my back window
-having time to work with Spencer on his letters and numbers, and watching his joy as he puts everything together. I kind of missed this with Sophie; those were the dark, stressful, sleepless years that I don't remember very well.
-watching my kids build castles out of cereal boxes and milk jugs. Since we're seeing so many of real castles I thought we'd study castles as a family so we know what we're looking at. The creative outcome of said study is messy but so cool! I'd way rather have them trying to figure out how to add a curtain wall to their defensive keep using tape and fruit cartons than watching tv.
-that Gary gets to work on his research full-time!
-our taxi driver Christie who drives us to church every Sunday - and gives us a discount
-that I always see the Lord's hand in my life when big adventures like this roll around. Or maybe I'm just looking for it harder. Either way, I'm very aware of the numerous tender mercies that have blessed our life since this adventure began.
And to be fair, here are the few things I miss from home:
-my dog, as previously mentioned
-being able to call my mom and our families and friends (although skype is a helpful option)
-warm weather
-my hot-air popcorn popper. Microwave poppy just isn't the same. Also Sun Chips and Triscuits.
-having a car
-cleaning products that work. I think the ones we've tried here just spread the grease around... ugh
-Little Caesar's $5 pizza deal - such an easy meal!
-clogging and zumba, although I can do both here in my kitchen
-my full-sized fridge
Not a very long list. We are very happy here and are in no hurry to get home!
All Together, Not a Banner Day on the Limerick Public Transportation System
Every experience teaches us something; today I had to learn to bite my tongue and apply that great Sermon to the way I reacted to and viewed those two boys. To think about the sad lives those boys must have lead to have them turn out that way, and to pray for them (and their past, current, and future) victims. Life lessons are everywhere, I guess.
Monday, September 19, 2011
My Go-To Irish Recipe
This is the perfect dish to make during or after watching the movie Julie and Julia. Simple ingredients, cooked in butter and cream... delish! And very fast and easy!
Farfalle Romano
4 cups farfalle, cooked according to package directions
2 T. butter
3 cups thinly sliced mushrooms
1 cup chopped prosciutto or ham
¾ cup light cream
1 cup frozen peas, thawed
½ cup grated Romano or Parmesan cheese
Cook pasta according to package directions and drain. In large skillet over medium heat, melt butter; add mushrooms and prosciutto. Cook five minutes or until mushrooms are tender. Add light cream; heat until almost boiling. Add peas and heat through; toss with hot pasta and cheese. 4 servings.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Lesson Learned
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Dashing Dublin! Or, Dashing Through Dublin!
Thank you Dublin!
Two More Pics of the Kids' First Day at School
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Castle At Bunratty
Each of the four corner towers had these spiral staircases. We were fascinated by them... but very grateful for the handrails to help us up and down! In fact. when coming down one of the last staircase, Sophie said something like, "Oh Mr. Handrail, come to me and let me feel your love!"
Spencer really digs swords and armor, so was in his element.
Pics of the Bunratty Folk Park and the FEAST
THE FEAST! Here we are being welcomed in the main hall, welcomed by our "butler", serenaded by lace-bodiced wenches and tights-clad lords, given lovely juice to drink and offered bread and salt as a welcome appetizer (they used salt as a preservative as well as a flavoring agent). The harpist and the violinist (who was educated at Julliard!) were excellent!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
In Case You're Feeling Green...
"The leaves over at the college have begun to change already too,
and I'm stoked to be here in the fall. It will be beautiful, and a
huge adventure, but before you get too jealous rest assured that it's
not all shamrocks and rainbows - there are a few shadows cast by all this Irish sunshine. (ha ha, Irish sunshine... very funny, Mindy! We've seen the sun maybe three times since being here! :-)) I can tell you all about how I
burned through almost two months' salary in about three weeks setting
up house, fixing passport issues and rigging out the kids for school.
Or how it's so cold, cloudy and rainy that I'm already yearning for
flip flops and an hour or two of unalloyed sunshine. How homework takes us HOURS to complete
every day, with at least one daughter either repeatedly flopping on
the floor or dissolving into tears. Or how my Sophie still persists
in absolutely melting down every time I drop her off for school. It's
nothing new - she did it every day last year until I gave in and
bribed her with candy every day to go willingly. I'd better roll out
the Cadbury train to do the same this year because it's kind of
And Maggie's stressed out because in school they deal in cursive (which she hasn't used since the 3rd grade), the metric system, in-class Catholic prayers twice daily, and military time so she sometimes feels totally clueless - a new thing for her. And yesterday teacher chewed her out in front of the
other students because she didn't do a homework assignment. She
was completely mortified and came home and sobbed for an hour. Having
always been a pleaser and one of the top kids in her class, she was
so crushed. She misunderstood the assignment and did the wrong one
and got called out for it. I could think of a better way for her
teacher, who otherwise has been great for her so far, to have dealt
with the situation but it did provide a good opportunity to have the
whole "we fall down so we learn to pick ourselves up" and
"what can we learn from this experience" talk with her. So
yes, if comfort retards growth, I think this will be a banner
semester for Clan Larsen!"
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
In Which Sophie Does a Dance, Spencer Makes a Face and Maggie Gives a Colorful Tour of our House