Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Long ago, on a Birthday far far away...
... was Spencer's Big 5 Star Wars birthday party!

Being born on January 3rd is kind of a rip off. You've just had Christmas, and people are so busy bringing in the new year that sometimes your birthday gets, well, not top priority. Not in our house though, right buddy? We took Spence and some of his best buds (Parker the Ricks, Ben Goodnough, Hyrum and Ammon A., plus R. and S.A. for Gary and me) to the place of all places for birthday parties in the Greater Southeaster Idaho region - Leo's Place! It's a pizza/burger joint with an arcade, huge play place, and mini rides. Sure, the play place smells like a petrie dish sometimes, and you can just imagine the germs swimming around in there, but the kids LOVE it. (plus that's why hand sanitizer was invented.) The kids had a great time, we had a nice chat with the Allens while the kids played, and a good time was had by all. Kudos again go to Gary, who once again pulled out a really cool cake for our Little Buddy.
Home Again Home Again
I feel the need to sum up:
*four and a half months of travel. Unbelievable adventures. Tons of blessings. Guardian angels every step of the way.
*we never, not once had to see a doctor while we were gone. Excepting Gary's bum foot which was in a boot for three months, it was the healthiest we have collectively ever been. The kids missed days of school for our trips, but not for illness. More blessings. Until Spen got the flu in Maui, and within weeks of returning to Idaho's dry, very cold climate we've all been terribly sick at one time or another! I guess the reprieve is over...
*13 flights for the whole family, plus two more for Gary to England making it 15. That's a lot of ear-popping family fun! Card games (War) totally helped, as did the in-flight movies and Angry Birds on the IPod. And books, and sleep. And talks. And cuddles. And crayons and stickers. Whatever it takes!
*lots of different kinds of motion sickness, mostly Soph, Spen and me. The kids don't like Dramamine, but I personally will never fly without it again after the flight from SLC to LA en route to Maui. I would do it all again though - that was one wonderful trip!
*One happy but chubby dog when we got back. Bella's doing great though - we've both lost some weight since getting back to real life! She gets me out in the cold but beautiful country landscape to exercise the extra weight off our buns!
*three weeks of unpacking to do when we got home. Ugh.
*Gary thrilled to be back in his element at BYUI - he loves his job and was stoked to get back! We got the hot tub fired up as well, and he visits "Pearl" every day. Makes him feel so good!
*The strength of my kids as they did hard things I certainly never had to face at their age. I will never underestimate their capacity for adjusting to difficult situations, particularly Sophie who is tender, yes, but much stronger than I ever was as a child. They are amazing and better even for the wear of being dragged across ten different time zones, two continents, four countries and two schools each.
*Maggie was definitely in the wrong class in Ireland - when we got back she was behind in math just a little bit. Grr. We're playing catch-up, and luckily she's a quick study. Sophie's school here on the other hand is easier than it was in Ireland, but she did well both places. So proud of both of them! And of Spencer, who is now reading Dick and Jane at bedtime reading. By himself. I love you, Leap Pad Letter Factory DVD!
*The usefulness of a large electric kettle; we used ours daily in Ireland and I miss it here desperately, so I've ordered one from Amazon. Am anticipating its arrival with great delight!
*some heartbreak as I realize that the kids are forgetting a lot about their Irish experience already. I know it will always form a part of their development, and Maggie will especially be able to recall much of it. But today Sophie couldn't remember her friends' names from her class, except for Saorise. Heartbreaking, but natural I suppose. For me though, when I am down lately, Ireland is my happy place. I savor the memory of what it was like playing soccer with my kids in the big field by campus; walking along the Shannon, admiring the trees, petting the dogs on their walks and discovering ivy-clad ruins every hundred yards; watching my kids play with the O'Shea kids and the Botts kids; the sunshiny sound of Heather Bott's laugh, especially as we ate apple almond pudding and watched Downton Abbey; comparing life experiences with the Kellys and the Extons; Eva Kelly's delectably huge cheeks; Ann and Alex Kelly's kindness to me; my dear little black and white house and Deirdre and Liam who so kindly took care of us; savoring the many moods of Irish weather, and the way the clouds played among the low hills and the UL campus; how the peat fires smelled as I walked with Spencer and the green stroller to Lidl or SuperQuinn; the feel of the soft, chilly, perfectly humid Irish air; and how brilliantly the tree outside my bedroom window flamed with leaves all autumn long. All these little details that I cling to because I was so amazingly happy there. I don't want to forget any of it.
*We still have it great. Our life here in Idaho is wonderful. No complaints. The goal is to still keep my eyes out for those tender mercies because they are still all around me here. I am very blessed.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
2011 Favorite Maui Moments
*Walking on the beach one night after sundown with our three kids, stargazing (Cassiopeia and Orion) and recounting our favorite Maui stories, like when Gar proposed to me on the airplane on Christmas Eve, and when he lost the keys to our rental car at while cliff diving at the Seven Sacred Pools past Hana. The kids were afraid of the dark at first, and the ocean does look totally different at night, even with the lights from the hotels glowing softly down onto the beach. But we held their hands and made them laugh and had a wonderful time sharing our family stories with them on our favorite beach in the world!
*Snorkeling with two enormous sea turtles! And seeing those two huge whales slap their tails just off Black Rock while we were walking down to go snorkeling!
*Caroling on the balcony on Christmas Eve, as always, and the crepe party at our place on Christmas Day
*taking daily naps with Spencer, who had the flu pretty bad but only let it keep him down a day or two. He needed lots of naps though between the morning beach and afternoon pool workouts, so Gar or I would curl up with him on the sofa in the front room and he'd fall asleep snuggled up next to us while we watched football, Elf or Harry Potter on tv.
*the impromptu family talent show out by the pool, featuring our family version of "Sur la Ponte d'Avignon" and Maggie, Haley and Gracie's 12 days of Mormon Christmas which they made up themselves. They included five Jesus dolls (?). It was the hit of the night!
*playing our family games: the Name Game, Balderdash (aggressively aging aardvarks, anyone?) Take Two, Five Crowns and Scum
*watching the kids, who are older and more independent now, make their own Maui memories with each other
*adding a new dimension to the trip with Morgan and Vadim
*seeing Glenn Beck and entourage at church on Sunday sitting four rows ahead of us
*Honolua Bay and the Blow Hole - such beautiful places!
*the classic Mindy Moment of Gary reading our travel itinerary as we were packing to leave... and realizing that I had told everyone we had to leave on Sunday when we really had tickets to leave on MONDAY night...good thing he thought to check before we actually drove in to the airport! LOVED that extra 24 hours in paradise!!! Seriously though, between that and the Infamous Passport Fiasco on our way to Ireland, it has not been a good year for me as far as my wits are concerned!
*Our last dinner at Leilani's with Nana and Papa (our treat for once!), watching our last Maui sunset, then hurrying home for one last swim in the pool before loading our car and heading for the airport
*Snorkeling with two enormous sea turtles! And seeing those two huge whales slap their tails just off Black Rock while we were walking down to go snorkeling!
*Caroling on the balcony on Christmas Eve, as always, and the crepe party at our place on Christmas Day
*taking daily naps with Spencer, who had the flu pretty bad but only let it keep him down a day or two. He needed lots of naps though between the morning beach and afternoon pool workouts, so Gar or I would curl up with him on the sofa in the front room and he'd fall asleep snuggled up next to us while we watched football, Elf or Harry Potter on tv.
*the impromptu family talent show out by the pool, featuring our family version of "Sur la Ponte d'Avignon" and Maggie, Haley and Gracie's 12 days of Mormon Christmas which they made up themselves. They included five Jesus dolls (?). It was the hit of the night!
*playing our family games: the Name Game, Balderdash (aggressively aging aardvarks, anyone?) Take Two, Five Crowns and Scum
*watching the kids, who are older and more independent now, make their own Maui memories with each other
*adding a new dimension to the trip with Morgan and Vadim
*seeing Glenn Beck and entourage at church on Sunday sitting four rows ahead of us
*Honolua Bay and the Blow Hole - such beautiful places!
*the classic Mindy Moment of Gary reading our travel itinerary as we were packing to leave... and realizing that I had told everyone we had to leave on Sunday when we really had tickets to leave on MONDAY night...good thing he thought to check before we actually drove in to the airport! LOVED that extra 24 hours in paradise!!! Seriously though, between that and the Infamous Passport Fiasco on our way to Ireland, it has not been a good year for me as far as my wits are concerned!
*Our last dinner at Leilani's with Nana and Papa (our treat for once!), watching our last Maui sunset, then hurrying home for one last swim in the pool before loading our car and heading for the airport
Maui Adventures Further Afield
The kids had so much fun at the beach and pool that it was like pulling teeth to get them to even think about getting in the car, in spite of the fact that on Maui adventures are everywhere. We did manage to get them down to the Sheraton to see their gingerbread house display...

...and up to Honolua to whale watch and hike through the jungle...
...and to the Blow Hole up around the west end of the island. This part of Maui has always reminded me of Ireland. Ah, Ireland... sniff...
Gary and Maggie looking at the back end of the blow hole to see how the water shoots through it.
This is right before a huge waves soaks us all from behind. It was our only cloudy day too, so we were actually almost chilly for a second. NOT like in Ireland, where it was chilly all the time.
Hermit crabs in the tide pools.
Cool lava, Soph! Is that a'a or pahoihoi?
And at the end of it all, a walk down the beach to Whaler's Village for dinner or snow cones. We really tired them out - it was great!
...and up to Honolua to whale watch and hike through the jungle...
The Master at Work
Sometimes we'd walk down to Black Rock, watching the whales jump just offshore on the way.
The Food
What would a trip to Maui be without our favorite culinary delights? Gary laughs at me for actually taking pictures of my meals, but really, this is the one time a year when I can get amazing fish like this. I HAVE to document it!
We went out to three nice restaurants in Maui: Roy's, Pacific'O, and Leilani's. (Our other favorites are the Banyan Tree, Plantation House and Mama's Fish House so if you go to Maui try them all!) I got my long-anticipated coconut-crusted mahi mahi at Pacific'O's, but I have to say, for the price, quality and overall experience, my favorite this trip was Leilani's. We splurged and went there three times this trip. But with the sunset special (above, a FABULOUS crusted ono filet with a lemon beurre blanc sauce) at only $18, it was WORTH IT! Where can I get food like this at home? Eat up while I can, I say! Everything tasted so good.
My blackened mahi, also superb.
One of my favorite sights in the world - the view from the Leilani's balcony at sunset! or any time!
The kids discovered lava flows (pina colada with strawberries) on this trip. After finishing his, Spencer patted me on the shoulder and said, "Mom, this is the best flavor I ever had!"
Maggie attacking the hula pie.
I think all that sugar did something funny to us... we're all perfectly normal, I swear...
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Maui Christmas! Still pinching myself...
Ten days + one perfect island + excellent food + the entire extended family = PARADISE!
The family on Ka'anapali Beach, where my family has spent every other Christmas for the last 25 years. We stay at the Ka'anapali Alii because we like the condos, facility, location and the history we have here.

Christmas Eve we had dinner (orange chicken, fruit and chocolate cake) down by the pool. Nana had a program all ready to go, with the Christmas story and carols and all the good stuff.

Then we went to Nana and Papa's condo for caroling...
...and the ceremonial opening of the Annual Christmas Pajamas!
Lots of little girl cousins!

Christmas this year was France and Maui. They were totally fine with that! Santa did provide stockings though.
Christmas morning was on a Sunday, so after the traditional breakfast by the pool of donuts and fruit we went to church at our dear Lahaina First Ward. Then we came home, took some pictures, and headed up to Hillary and our condo where Hills and I hosted a massive crepe party for Christmas dinner - yum!

It was the perfect way to start out a great vacation.
Christmas Eve we had dinner (orange chicken, fruit and chocolate cake) down by the pool. Nana had a program all ready to go, with the Christmas story and carols and all the good stuff.
Christmas this year was France and Maui. They were totally fine with that! Santa did provide stockings though.
Utah Christmas
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