Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Documenting my Drops of Awesome - just so I don't forget

Today my drops of awesome included:

*Tucking Spencer back into bed with hugs and "the mole" when he had a bad dream last night. And not losing my temper when Sophie woke up too an hour later. Actually, I think I get extra credit for that!
*reading scriptures with the kids during breakfast this morning
*Not losing my temper once during the morning rush to get everyone off to school
*playing Star Wars Figures and Ninja with Spencer for a half hour after school, in spite of some pressing studio tasks I needed to finish
*helping Maggie drink her third green smoothie in three days (a HUGE accomplishment)
*helping all kids get their homework done
*giving Sophie a back massage with essential oils to help her body aches

She said we don't have to take any out for misbehavior, so I guess I can negate the way I did not make Spencer clean the toy room before bed (I did it), only sort of listened to the book Sophie was supposed to read to me for homework, and internally spewed vitriolic abuse at the car that sped by Bella and I on our road, almost hitting us both. And, my fridge is still not cleaned out yet, a task which has been on my to do list for a week. But oh well. I'm counting and keeping today's drops  of awesome!

Buttermilk Syrup Recipe

We eat this on German pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, over fresh fruit... and with a spoon.

You can thank me later.

1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 cup sugar
1/2 t. baking soda

Bring to a slow boil (cook a minute or two longer for a more caramelly taste), then remove from heat. Add 1 t. vanilla, stir, and serve.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Drops of Awesome

You must read this bog post of an inspired, wonderful, imperfect young mother who seems to know me, or at least where I am, pretty well. Enjoy. And start counting your drops of awesome right now.

To sum up:

"Drops of Awesome! I thought. Every time you do something good, something kind, something productive, it’s a drop in your Bucket of Awesome. You don’t lose drops for every misstep. You can only build. You can only fill...

"When we are in a relationship with Christ, striving as God’s sons and daughters to do His will, He pours more into our buckets than we can ever hope to imagine. He can fill us to overflowing with peace, with joy, with perfection, with Awesome. And then what do we do if our bucket is overflowing like that? Where does the Awesome go then?

"I pulled out an identical bowl, twice the size of the original. Our capacity for joy and light increases. And we just keep working, one tiny drop at a time. And we don’t compare today’s drops to yesterday’s or tomorrow’s. And we live and we love and we repent when we do wrong and we allow ourselves to be glorious, beautiful, and dare I say perfect in Christ, children of God.
I believe in a God who loves us and roots for us and cheers for every Drop of Awesome we can manage. Our victories are His victories and He wants us to feel joy. Not later, when we no longer make mistakes, but right now."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Afters

We had a lot of exciting things happening after Christmas as well - the party just kept going! First was Les Mis with Vadim, Alex and Nana and Papa in Salt Lake (load up the ol' minivan, folks!). The next day we met up with our Charlotte BFFs, Sarah and Steve Cannon and family, who were in SL to see relatives. Yay! Then a drive south to Richfield for Christmas with Gram and Granpa, but everyone was sick so it was kind of low key... lots of Spongebob and just hanging out and cooking good food. Then a run back to SL after church to hang with Peter and Abby and Dave and Kate for a night (Boggle!) before they went their separate ways.

And then....

.... came New Years' Eve, Knight Style! Our SL BFFs, Spencer and Christy Knight, invited us over for a New Years Sleepover and game night in the style of our old hangouts we'd have when Maggie and Rachel were only wee kidlets. Only this is Spencer we're talking about, and he never does anything half out. Not only did we have delicious Bombay House food for dinner, but there was a complete written agenda. First was games, with prizes of course. White House Bingo, Brain Quest, Laser Tag (yes he has his own sets), Wii games, puzzles, and a pinata for crying out loud! Not to mention sparklers, 24 cans of silly string for a massive silly string battle in the cul-de-sac, and an exciting semi-legal fireworks display.

The food was to die for, of course. Homemade fudge (Spencer), caramel apples (me), spinach artichoke dip (Christy) and loads of sweets for the kiddies. Yes, we like to eat well!
We have played Acquire with the Knights numerous times, and each time either Spencer or Christy has won. This time, I WON! Ha! a first. I was very proud. And I felt very rich too. Too bad it was just paper money...
Not just your ordinary sparklers!

Silly string fight! And to end it all, we let the kids stay up playing on the ipads with each other until midnight, then tucked them into bed. Then what did the adults do? Get some shut eye as well? heavens no! How often do we get to be together with no time constraints? We went down to watch a Bollywood movie, of course! But we all fell asleep halfway through the Three Idiots. We must be getting old. But we are so lucky, and so grateful, to have such wonderful friends. They bless our lives in so many ways.
On New Years' Day, after thanking and farewelling the dear Knights, we started the drive north. But all the fast food place were closed when we wanted to get food (at 11 AM on our way to Idaho from SLC), so darn it, we had to suck it up and go to Olive Garden (Maggie the Bread Girl's favorite restaurant!) for lunch. It was delicious... and we had a gift certificate! yowza! Note that we are all still in our jammies (except daddy). Oh well. And yes, that is Spencer's bum up in the air - he did NOT want to pose for a picture so we took whatever angle of his we could get!
Bella was glad to be home - we all were! No more travelling for a while!

Christmas Day 2012

The kids did great - slept in until 7:45 AM then got their own breakfast while mom and dad caught another few precious z's. They were allowed to look at the presnents while eating their cereal, but no touching. Then they roused Gary and I and Nana and Papa (after a few little Christmas cuddles in bed) and we all went back upstairs. Then let the games begin!

 The happiest day of the year!

 The customary pomegranate in the toe of the stockings

The kids start with their stockings and their own little piles then play Santa as they deliver the presents still under the tree to their owners.

Dad got Apple TV, games and legos; Maggie got electronics and science kits, books and some clip on earrings; Sophie got a huge art kit, books, and American girl doll stuff; and Spencer got swords, guns and legos. Oh and I got a new knife set, a crock pot (requested), my essential oils kit and a new kitchen faucet which Gary so cleverly installed that very night.

We saw this face a lot on Christmas day. Spencer is so expressive! This was a coloring book, with a very nice note, that Maggie made for Spencer for Christmas. Later, when he opened a knight costume, he ran up to me and said, "mommy, Santa read my brain! This is exactly what I wanted!"
We were so lucky to have Nana and Papa with us for Christmas Eve and Christmas day this year! They had to go back at noon, after we'd had our brunch cinnamon rolls, bacon and smoothies, but it was so much more exciting having them there with us. We loved it! And I was glad I thought ahead - I bought many of their Christmas presents (golf balls, ornaments, books, pens, caramacs, etc) last year in Hawaii. Just as a reminder of our Maui paradise.

I kept a nice supply of Diet Coke chilling in the fridge for Papa in case of emergencies. :-)
We have three rules on Christmas day. Everyone stays in their PJs all day, Mom doesn't nag one bit, and everyone (for once) can eat whatever they want. It's a fabulous day! We watched Pirates: Band of Misfits (while mom slept, in our pajamas), took the dog for a walk and said hey to the neighbors (in our pajamas), and played with all our new toys (in our pajamas). Later we got a little stir crazy and went over to the Fransons (in our pajamas) to play games and watch Kid Histories on THEIR new Apple tv.

And Christmas dinner, complete with ribs, poppy seed salad, cheesy potatoes, crescent rolls, sparkling cider, and HULA PIE!!!

Traditions, Tinsel and Turkey

Ah, Christmas Eve at Nanny's house - always a spectacular display of culinary excellence and decorative genius.  My amazing, gifted cousin Natalie decorated the tree, the mantel and the table, of course. Nanny provided the fireplace, three-inch-thick carpet, and general air of cosiness. We all helped with the food.

 So the staples: turkey, ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with marshmellows (and looooots of butter), rice crispy stuffing, my homemade crescent rolls, corn and green beans, and Nanny's legendary jellow with ground apples, oranges and walnuts. YUM! This  could be my favorite meal ever. Well, tied with mahi mahi at Leilanis that is!

I forgot to take a picture of my plate with all the food still on it. Too busy eating it to find my camera!
After dinner chats: Rusty, Dad, Nanny, Aunt Diana, Mom and Uncle Roger

Then came the entertainment portion of the evening, starting with a bang with the older cousins dancing "Gangnum Style." Choreography courtesy of Remi, Vanessa and Savannah.
Papa and Nanny hit it out of the park with their Sleighride duet. Nana shook the jingle bells and Kerry, Nanny's live-in help, slapped rulers together for the whip sound. It was awesome!

Talents of all kind were accepted. Sophie and Dad told jokes, above, then Brooklyn Ehardt and Aysia danced, Spencer Elison pushed the button on his singing teddy bear and danced around with it, and the Sout boys played their Christmas piano pieces. Sophie and I did her class's clogging dance, Supercalifragelisticexpialidocious, and Gary and Maggie did theirs, Tricky.
Then came the Nativity. Sophie got to be Mary, and was the sweetest little Mary anyone's ever seen! Spence was a shepherd. He liked threatening the sheep with his staff. :-) Maggie, who had been really sick all weekend before, sat this one out and cuddled with Papa on the sofa.
Then home again home again jiggety jig to get into our Christmas pj's, set the plate of cookies out for Santa, and get in to bed!

The Memory Tree

I LOVE our Christmas tree this year. It's always lovely, but about a year ago I realized that it could be so much more than beautiful to look at. We started collecting Christmas ornaments celebrating all the many incredible escapades of the Audacious Larsen Family and when we decorated the tree this year, it was so fun reliving those special times! For example...

Can you spot the hula dancer, the claddaugh ring, the Arc de Triumph, an seashell angel, a very Maui Santa and the Eiffel Tower key chain?
Everything was looking its holiday best this year. Add the lights on the tree, around the windows, the garland and wreath outside, and the smell of cinnamon and cookie candle wax always in the melter, and it was such a lovely, cosy Christmas! And, I am so, so thankful for a barn in which to store it all in until next year!

Sophie's Play

Sophie was picked to play Dorothy, by her wonderful teacher Mrs. Dennis, in her 2nd grade play of The Winter Wizard of Oz. Sophie was pleased, but took it in stride in her own quiet way, that she was chosen for Dorothy. I was excited for her until I saw the script - so long! But she read it every day and soon had it down pat. And her delivery was priceless -nice and expressive. We were so proud of her! Since we were in Del Mar the whole week before the performance I was just a leetle worried, but Mrs. Dennis had total confidence in our little Soph to pull it off. And she so did! All those years of doing plays in Nana and Papa's basement have paid off!
 The brainless Snow Man, Dorothy, Toto the poodleskirted dog, the Tin Soldier, and the overpriced stuffed Cowardly Lion. They stopped every few scenes to throw in some Christmas songs. Mrs. Dennis went all out on scenery, background music, sound effects... it was awesome!

 Follow the Peppermint road! And be sure to be polite! :-)
There's no place like home! For the holidays, that is!
 We love Mrs. Dennis! She was Maggie's teacher too, and does a great job.
 Nanny made it to her show - Sophie was thrilled!!! We love our Nanny!
(sorry, don't know why this one loaded on it's side) Toto, Glinda (Sophie's school BF Chacie Draney) and Dorothy