Friday, March 12, 2010


Just a few snapshots of life in the Larsen household:

This is how we survive and thrive on Saturday mornings. The kids get to watch a movie while Gary and I sleep in, and this chart (which I post the night before on the fridge) lets them know exactly what their chores are. Each has a box so they get checked off as they are done, and they all have to be completed by noon to earn participation in the afternoon's fun activity. Works like a CHARM!

Spencer was running a fever this morning, so while I made food for a friend's birthday party, I let him and Sophie sit on their bean bags and watch a movie. This is how you really know your kid's sick:

Spencer doesn't take naps any more, so when he fell asleep this morning at 10:30 AM, I knew I was in for it. Wish me luck tonight - he's got the barky cough as well. Rats!

Good morning goats: this is the sight I saw on our back patio when I woke up this morning. The neighbor's goats busted out and joined us for a cuppa before returning to their abode. Only in the country...I'm just really glad they didn't poop before they left! As it is, my cats are leaving me "offerings" on the back doorstep (various mouse parts) and that's plenty gross. At least they're ridding us of vermin and earning their keep!

Sophie and Spencer got to go to the fire station on a field trip with Sophie's preschool - she is always so obedient and attentive, a great little student! And a potential fire fighter as well! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for making the trip over to visit Saturday- and for the salad! We hope Spence is feeling better soon. Sophie is such a sweetie! What chores do you give Spencer? I need to start a chore chart with Austin but want to be consistent and do it the right way from the start. I'm thinking make his bed, clean up room, brush teeth?
