Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I just spent a half hour with my darling five-year old boy on my lap, listening to every new song he's learning at preschool. It's not often that Spencer will perform like this. He sits close to me, one hand on The Mole on my neck, and sings them in his quirky, semi-raspy voice that makes me want to gobble him up and hold him forever. Then before leaving for preschool he ran to me, gave me a great big hug and a kiss, and answered "you too!" when I said "have a great day."
Ah, the golden moments mothers treasure. Sure do love you, little buddy!

1 comment:

  1. I love your list of recipes- I will print it and use it when i get to Boston. You do a fine job of cooking great healthy food for your family!! Can you move to Boston and I'll pay you to cook for us too? ;) Spence is such sweet boy- thanks for sharing that tender moment. I'm excited for the kids to play together soon!!!!! 9 days...
