Monday, July 30, 2012

Aspen Grove 2012

My dear grandmother, Nanny, went through chemotherapy last fall. One of the things they helped her plan to get through it was a big family reunion the next summer, with all the cousins, at Aspen Grove, a family resort up Provo Canyon, right next to Sundance. Nanny pulled through, and to celebrate her awesome strength and determination, almost all the 22 grandchildren, with their spouses and kids in tow, gathered at that beautiful place for a week of family-focused heaven. No cooking, no cleaning, kids off doing crafts, trying ropes courses and climbing walls, and swimming during the day with their groups, and adults free to chat, sleep, read, hike, play tennis, swim, play games, eat ice cream, do Zumba or yoga (with me or Hills :-) ).... all in one of the most beautiful places on earth. This is our third time to Aspen Grove, and it keeps on getting better and better!

Our favorite things about Aspen Grove this year included: cousin and extended-extended family time; the amazing, wonderful, caring group leaders who absolutely showed our kids the best time; the family talent show (did we really get up and sing "Corner of the Sky" in Clayton 6 part harmony??  That takes me back...); the beautiful weather; the always-stunning scenery; painting a Christus statue at the craft hut for us and one for Grandpa, who's sister just died; badminton; the metal bear and turtle statues; the family dance on the last night; watching Spence get up with his group and actually sing and dance on stage (a first! "Kookooburra sits in the old gum tree, being as happy as he can be..."), sitting and chatting by the pool with all the cousins while the dads played the water games with the kids; watching Uncle Josh and Uncle Spencer Holt busta move at the dance party the last night; and the ice cream! Oh the ice cream! Graham Canyon and Coconut Joy and the chocolate one whatever it was called... mmmm.

 Me and my Nanny (and Aunt Diana, sporting the official 2012 Hunter family reunion t-shirt). Note the ice cream in my hand.
We all loved painting at the craft hut this year, even Spencer!

 Oh my gosh I loved our kids' counselors. Not even kidding, I was kind of weepy when it was time to say goodbye. They are amazing young people and really took care of our kids!

And best of all... family time. I love my family!

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