Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2012 First Day of School

Well, Maggie's 11 and in 6th grade, Sophie's 7 1/2 and in second, and Spencer is officially a kindergartener. Which means, duh duh duh dum, that all three of my children are gone to school every day! At least until Spencer gets home at 11 AM.

To prepare for the onset of the school schedule, my kids put themselves on a rigorous schedule since Monday morning. Wakeup at 7 AM, make beds, get dressed, eat breakfast, read scriptures, do chores. Wow. I didn't have to do anything! They were amazing, and it really made this morning easier as they were already on the schedule.

We celebrated the beginning of school by going bridge jumping up in Chester yesterday (to tire them out), doing pre-school pedicures last night, and eating pie with the Fransons. This morning we had the traditional neighborhood breakfast at the corner down the street; my Nutella crepes are in strong demand every year, and the kids look forward to this all summer. Everyone was excited - Spence and Sophie were jumping up and down with enthusiasm for the first day of school! bless'em. Maggie, as befits her years and wisdom, was more sedate in her ebullience, but she was still just a bit bouncy as her bus finally pulled up. And I only cried a little this year. I do love summer and hate to see it end! But new beginnings can provide new opportunities.

 Spence and Ammon
 Maggie sporting her new glasses. She has contacts too but we decided to go for the glasses today. And yes, that is the Festival team hair piece she's got on. It's gorgeous on her, and I may never have to curl her hair again. I can just clip in the curls!!! 
 Spencer and Parker the Ricks, sporting a mighty fine faux-hawk.
 Sophie in her sparkle shoes and rock star hair do - yes I'm slowly learning how to do hair - with BFF Charlotte
 Ew mom, don't hug me!
 Sophie guiding Spence through his first official bus ride. She's such a good big sister!

 So Soph and Spence had awesome first days, loved their teachers, loved school, loved everything. Maggie, well, didn't. She came home sobbing because when she got to school she wasn't on anyone's homeroom lists. She had to walk all over the school to find the principal who got her to her class. Then her locker would NOT open and the teachers had to unlock it with a key which made her so embarrassed. Her gym teacher told her her new shoes were not gym-worthy, and the choir teacher let them out late so she had to hurry to the bus and tripped on the way, scraping her elbow. So sad! So we gave her some loves, made her a smoothie while she got her homework done, and took her to Taco Bell where five tacos soon eased some of the pain. Then we topped it off with the long-awaited cupcake from the Cocoa Bean (yum!) and by head tickles at bedtime tonight she was all smiles. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow!

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