Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Documenting my Drops of Awesome - just so I don't forget

Today my drops of awesome included:

*Tucking Spencer back into bed with hugs and "the mole" when he had a bad dream last night. And not losing my temper when Sophie woke up too an hour later. Actually, I think I get extra credit for that!
*reading scriptures with the kids during breakfast this morning
*Not losing my temper once during the morning rush to get everyone off to school
*playing Star Wars Figures and Ninja with Spencer for a half hour after school, in spite of some pressing studio tasks I needed to finish
*helping Maggie drink her third green smoothie in three days (a HUGE accomplishment)
*helping all kids get their homework done
*giving Sophie a back massage with essential oils to help her body aches

She said we don't have to take any out for misbehavior, so I guess I can negate the way I did not make Spencer clean the toy room before bed (I did it), only sort of listened to the book Sophie was supposed to read to me for homework, and internally spewed vitriolic abuse at the car that sped by Bella and I on our road, almost hitting us both. And, my fridge is still not cleaned out yet, a task which has been on my to do list for a week. But oh well. I'm counting and keeping today's drops  of awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Do you want some help on cleaning your fridge?? I just did mine this weekend and what a relief!
