Yeah, um, so this is what our Spring Break looked like here in Rexburg. Actually, when we woke up on Friday and saw the snow, the kids whooped and hollered and ran for their snow pants. Luckily it doesn't take much to entertain three smallish kids - a pile of dirt, a foot of snow, and the neighbors' dog, chicks and miniature goat did the trick. The dirt pile became a raging volcano, fort, or nest as needed; the snow provided hours of snowman making fun; and we call the animals "Chick TV" because we all spend so many hours entertained by them (in spite of the fact that the goat, who is just as tall as Spencer, head butted him the first day). Maggie's cousing Katelyn sent us "Flat Stanley" all the way from California to sample life in the great Gem State; he sure got a change of scenery!
Well, maybe not ideal weather, but maybe it was in the sense of children's entertainment?! Way to look at the positive! And maybe it gives you time alone- much needed while Gary is gone! We love his updates!