Today Maggie started the third grade with a bang! Our awesome neighbors organized a breakfast for all the kids, so we were all out there to eat food (I made nutella crepes, of course!), chat, and hug our kids goodbye together. What a fun tradition! I hardly even cried this time! Maggie's all excited to go, as always. We hope it will be another amazing year for her.
That wedding sounded like a wedding we both should have had! How fun. And I don't know about that recipe- I'm not a Dew fan- will I still like it? Congrats maggie on a new year- I can't believe third grade! I remember life from the 3rd grade onward pretty well- so everything she does now she'll remember in the future (no pressure to parents!)- sometimes it's hard to motivate myself when I think that my kids won't remember anything they're doing right now. We are excited for your potato harvest break too!!