So last Saturday afternoon, Gary took the younger two kids to Idaho Falls (Leo's Place!) and Maggie, by her own choice, stayed home to have one-on-one mommy/Maggie time. (Aw!) We had the best time; I had freezer corn to do, so we turned on Pride and Prejudice - THE definitive P&P, starring Colin-Firth-In-A-Wet-Shirt - made caramel popcorn, and went to work. Together we husked, boiled and packaged freezer corn according to Nanny's recipe, while watching Lizzy and Mr. Darcy make eyes at each other and licking caramel off our fingers between batches. Maggie is only nine, but she watched several different versions of Jane Eyre with me this summer when I was going through a major JE phase, so I figured she was ready to be initiated to My World. I should have thrown in pedicures to make the GNO complete, but we were too tired and busy. Still though, what a great night! Thanks Maggie! And Jane Austen!
I hope when I have little girls we watch colin firth in a wet shirt while licking caramel off our fingers. What a dream.