By far our new favorite dining experience is eating at Tepanyaki restaurants. Luckily for the ol' wallet, there are none within a 30 mile radius of us up in Rexburg, but there's a lovely one right by Costco in Salt Lake where the kids beg to go every time. We all enjoy the dinner-and-a-show ambience, and nothing makes it more fun than being with Nana and Papa!
Maggie had a particularly special weekend; Papa got her and Gary tickets to Conference from President Monson and they got to go to the conference center, park in the First Presidency's lot, and sit right up front. She loved it! Then she, through other private means, got to meet the Prophet himself, and sit and chat with him for a minute. She was one thrilled little 9 year-old!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Here are some of the most recent snapshots of Life with the Larsens:
Our ward is doing a 90-day Book of Mormon challenge, so we read every night on our reading sofa downstairs. We're all really enjoying this, except for Bella, who gets wriggly when forced to sit and listen for too long...
...and for Spencer, who tends to fall asleep (preferably in full pirate regalia) as we read. Notice: he still loves my mole!
Over conference weekend we got to go to the zoo while down in Utah at Nana and Papa's house. Even though I've probably been there 200 times, I still LOVE Hogle Zoo! I could watch the bird show weekly all year long and still get a kick out of it. Luckily for us, Nana and Papa only live about 4 blocks away so we go there often.
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Hi! This may be really random but I didn't see a way to email. So a comment it is. (I'm sorry this is so long!) My name is Suki and your husband was my intermediate clogging teacher at BYU-Idaho a few years ago (probably 4). I've been clogging with my family now and my mom loves her country songs but... country can only go so far with some of us. ;) Anyway. I was trying to remember some of the dances Gary taught my class and was wondering if he had any cue sheets. The song I'm looking for is Larger Than Life by Backstreet Boys. If you get the chance to let me know, I'd love it. My email is slcubed (at) yahoo (dot) com. Thanks! Oh, and your kids are cute!