We've had a delightful week (sarcastically and otherwise); here are the highlights.
The Good:
*We got to go stay with Nana and Papa in SLC while Gary taught a workshop. We went to Tepanyaki for Sophie's birthday, spent an awesome afternoon at the Dinosaur Museum (Spencer fell in love with Sue the T-Rex), and helped Nana put up her Christmas tree while eating treats and singing along to "Scrooge" (my very very favorite Christmas movie). Let the festivities begin!
*Maggie took 4th PLACE in the district spelling bee! Without even studying! Well, okay, while she was at Community Care getting her dual casts on we did gigglingly spell out words together like "injury," "accident," and "klutz," but that was all in good fun. The goal was just to not get out in the first round. She spelled "physician" like a pro, thinking of Papa, and sailed through eight more rounds to take 4th! Go Mags!
The Bad:
*Maggie broke both her wrists riding a scooter at Nana and Papa’s house. Yup, she had to have two casts put on. We were hoping for green and red, since she’ll have them on for most of the Christmas season, but they were out of both so we went with blue and pink. She was a trooper through it all (the Tylenol with Codeine helped!), and everyone in the Western Hemisphere has signed her cast. The same day she got the casts on she aced the afore-mentioned spelling bee, so we were pretty proud of her. And luckily for us it wasn’t her feet; she can still clog with broken wrists but couldn’t if it were broken ankles!
*Bella the dog got hit by a car (we think) and broke her leg too. So we plastered her leg up as well, and since we don’t exactly carry “doggy insurance,” hers cost a lot more than Maggie’s did! She hobbles around great though, and she and Maggie are now Plaster Pals.
*The same day of the spelling bee and the casts, Spencer was up from 3AM to 6AM throwing up. VIOLENTLY. He finally fell asleep just as Gary’s alarm went off and it was time to get up. Poor kid. That same day (it was a biggie) Sophie fell asleep on the bus and we couldn’t find her for an hour. I was out of my head with worry! She finally woke up when the bus pulled up at the high school for its later rounds and she started to bawl. My poor dear tender rosebud! They radioed me and I rushed up to pick her up. She was so traumatized and required extra cuddling all evening! But all’s well that ended well – it could have been a lot worse!

At Little Boy Heaven (also known as the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point)

Super kids with Supersaurus.

Swim away, kids, swim away!

Digging for bones. Does it get any better than this? Wait, it does!

Putting up the tree!

My favorite! I tear up every time they hit that last chorus of "Thank You Very Much". By far the best Christmas Carol version ever made!

Reading with Papa...aw!

Sneaking in to cuddle with Nana in the mornings - a Shady Oaks ritual!

Maggie and the other six finalists from the spelling bee. They got to have their picture in the paper! We just wanted to get her home and put her in bed - what a day!
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