We had such a great time at Nana and Papa's house in Salt Lake for Spring Break! We took our good friends the Allens down with us (there's plenty of room) to get away from the day to day for a while and relax SLC-style. They got pool up and running just for us! Alas, this is what we woke to on Thursday (April 5th) - S.N.O.W.! Which was surprisingly exciting - we've had an unusual dearth of snow up north in Rexburg this winter and had yet to get a good sledding day in. Ha! Done. Check it off the list now - sledding in Nana and Papa's back yard is the best!

Bella got in my way so I lost the race, above. She was so excited to have me at her level!

Love the view of the city and mountains across the golf course.

On Thursday afternoon it warmed up enough to make it a great, uncrowded day at one our favorite places, Hogle Zoo.

Since it was chilly most of the animals were inside. We couldn't believe the closeups we got of the daddy gorilla (who stared the kids down until they were just a little creeped out)..

... and the Siamese crocodiles (below) who were napping until the bigger one crawled out of the water to lay his head on the tail of the smaller one, much as our kids do when they all sleep in the same bed at night. (only, of course, they don't have tails. Most of the time.)

The poor giraffe was so bored inside that it started to lick the walls... I guess it could pass for a form of entertainment, but I don't really plan on trying it the next time I'm lacking things to do.

That night we got Taco Bell and Baskin Robbins for dinner and dessert, respectively, playing it cheap and easy since the dads were still working in Idaho. They got there late that night though and the party continued all weekend. More to come. But not now as I'm really tired and going to bed!
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