So this is how I feel today:
Only in my heart, it's a little more black than this picture is. Axe the blue light, make it a eerie dark shade of gray. There's not a lot of light in my heart right now.
Obama was re-elected yesterday. Though it was a close election, I was still surprised and shocked. I took it easy on Facebook, and merely posted the following:
"Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." -Viktor E. Frankl
I DO believe the above. But this blog is Mindy's Place where I get to vent and purge and gripe. If you choose to read this post, you get to know how I really feel.
To help me mourn and then move on, here are my biggest reasons for heartbreak right now:
1. This was a watershed election, determining the direction our country will take from this point out. I've thought that before, especially after 9/11. But I never thought I'd see the day when we were voting to change the very nature of our national character. We've become a nation of entitled, lazy whiners who dream of socialism, needs FEMA to come hold our hands after a big storm, and looks on hard-working, successful people as The Enemy. I feel as though this election was in the hands of some of the worst elements of our population, putting our future in the hands of ill-educated mobs and smirking, superior elitists who are more than happy to tell you how to live your life. And I don't know that after this election, we will ever be able to regain the ground we lose during the Obama presidency. Once you lock down (ie enslave) your voter base with freebies, welfare and handouts to over 50% of the population, how is anyone who wants fiscal responsibility, hard work and independence to overcome that majority? Who (besides conservatives) wants fishing lessons when the fish are being handed out for free, no labor required?
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville
2. It scares me TO DEATH that the media has given Obama such a free pass. His whole presidency long. Usually the media watches our leaders and calls them on misbehaviors, flubs or questionable policies. Obama's had to deal with none of that. He can do whatever he wants, from telling marines to stand down in Benghazi while American lives were lost to running our economy into the ground, without anyone in the mainstream media looking too closely, so no mainstream voters hear about any of it. And it's getting worse. As a conservative, I feel as though my first amendment rights, and our national security, and our way of life, are being seriously threatened. I feel that my access to truth is severly limited. And to me, that's more important than whether or not the government's going to pay for my birth control. Seriously, women out there, come ON! Where are your priorities???
3. I hate how he divides us as a people. We were all hoping that having gotten over the race barrier, he would be able to bring people of all colors together. He blew that hope out of the water every time he opened his mouth on racial issues, from Treyvon Martin to the Boston professor/cop incident. He incites class hatred, racial hatred, hatred period. A scared, entitled, hating, dependent population is easy to control. Panem et circenses. Or, to translate, food stamps and satellite dishes.
I know there needs to be a social safety net in place for emergencies. It is a necessary and important service. However, I am against free, constant handouts and the government takeover of charity, and (until Christ comes) the concept of socialism for America. The current welfare system is corrupt, requires no accountability, lacks efficiency, creates victims, and robs the rest of us of the blessings and resonsibility of helping the poor through personal and religious initiative. Christ did not set up a government to take money from everyone and give it poor and needy - he did not even overthrow the brutal Roman invaders who had taken over Israel. He showed us how to give from our hearts if that's the kind of people we are, and if we're not, we'll pay for it later. It's called choice and accountability, something that liberal policies deny at every turn.
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatreds.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
5. Since Obama has no agenda whatsoever to helping us unlock our own natural resources, they will continue to to untapped, leaving us to the mercy of those crazies in the middle east. Jobs will continue to be lost, businesses will leave our shores for other lands that have cheaper energy available, and our energy costs will skyrocket. I feel like buying a t-shirt that says "Don't Blame Me; I Voted for the Other Guy." Seriously. All those ignorant, or misguided, or visionless folks who voted for Obama have no idea what's coming their way because of who they just elected. I guess they're doing their part to bring about the end of the world a little sooner, but still, I was hoping for something of a reprieve before we had to fight more of it.
I'm not the most eloquent person on the earth, and I don't always tactfully or accurately express my political rationale. But my passions run deep. And I am heartbroken for the future my children could have had. I mourn the future we are all now faced with. The tax rate. The entitlement mentality combined with a depressing lack of employment opportunities. The exorbitant cost of food and gas and power that will be normal for them. The shaky dollar (if it still exists). The lack of moral and ethical leadership. The Nanny State takeover of the family. The DMV-like hospitals they will be forced to visit as government panels decide their medical fates. I saw it every day in Ireland - dissatisfaction, anger, lack of motivation, bad (though hey, universal!) health care. As a whole, it was the most unhappy population I've ever seen. Yet that's where we are headed. That's what 51% of our population voted for yesterday. Maybe that's where we're headed anyway because enough of our people want nothing more than a free ride. Advanced citizenship doesn't work that way, folks.
Life will go on. I know it will. I just now have to readjust my expectations as to the country I used to know, and what it will look like for my children, unless something drastic happens. I'm just mourning.
Ultimately, I know that I have a choice. I can choose to be miserable and depressed or I can move on. I will move on and try to think of the proactive stuff I can do to keep my family, church and community strong. After all,
"Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the White House, but on what happens in your house" - James E. Faust
(my president didn't change today)
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