Preface: this is in no way is intended to be a Big Brag Post. At all. Recently I've just been struck with a craze for reflection. Looking back over my life, I've been humbled and amazed at what my life has been.
Can I just say, I love my life? I have had 38 of the most wonderful years. Of course, some of those years, like everyone, I'd rather forget - we've all had those sobbing-for-hours-on-the-bathroom-floor episodes - but in general I have been amazingly blessed. I live in comfort in the USA. I have a house that's warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and a car that is too. I can buy any food that I want to eat and have enough clothes to embarrass me just a little (time for a closet clean-out!). My husband is the hilarious, wise, love of my life. We have the best time together and share the same brain. He is amazingly talented, loving, funny, and he has a great job that he adores. And that pays the bills!

My kids are above average in brains, behavior and beauty (if I do say so myself). Maggie's unbounded potential amazes me, and I love her wacky, creative, kindred spirit little self. We have so much in common and I love exploring the new nuances of our relationship as she gets older.
I thank the Lord every day - literally - for Sophie's natural goodness, strength and sweet spirit. She continues to overachieve and quietly go about her daily duty as the responsible, motherly little soul that she is.
And Spencer must be buttering me up lately for something because he has been candy-sweet to me and Gary both. Hugs, kisses, cuddles, kindness, all from our active, adorable little buddy. Maybe he finally just realized that he loves me more than my mole! Well, no, he doesn't, but I AM a close second. He brings so much joy into our lives.
None of them have been severe mess-makers, which is a tender mercy (the Lord knows me well!), and we are all fairly healthy. Blessings from above. I love every day I can get with them. Ask me tomorrow, if I have a bad night or if Maggie throws a fit or Spencer wets his pants again, or in a few years, when I have teenagers, if I'm still as euphoric as I am right now. I may be in a sweet spot - no diapers but no teens yet either - but I really love my kids. They are so fun, and so awesome!
My youth was absolutely golden. My parents are kind, loving, supportive and so generous and supportive of all my crazy adventures. They were there for me every step of the way, every performance, every assembly I danced in, every heartbreak, every social, emotional or automotive crisis. They are freaking awesome! We went on the best family adventures, and they kept making family time a priority, even if it meant spending every Christmas break in Maui (darn it). They encouraged hard work, good grades, good priorities, and setting goals. My mom is my soul mate and my dad is my hero. I love them both so very very much. Their faith in me has been invaluable in my ongoing quest to make myself a better person.
They searched out the best mentors for our extracurricular activities as well; I was privileged to be in a performing group under Kim Clayton for years - the best after-school activity ever, with the most gifted mentor in Kim, who taught us so much more than singing and dancing. Those hours of rehearsals, performances and tours gave me confidence, developed my talents and social skills, taught me responsibility and independence, and took me all over the country, and to England too. As a teen, I sang and danced in the courtyard of the Pentagon, on the Disneyworld Main Stage, in downtown Honolulu and in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Not only did I make amazing friends and learn to do some really cool stuff, but these experiences gave me a love for music, culture, and travel. Between my parents and Kim, I discovered the bigger world. And they taught me to love it, to develop my own light, and to not be afraid to share it.
And then came high school. I LOVED high school. I was Sophomore Vice president, did pep club, created the French club, and was the only girl up until then that they had ever interviewed for Seminary president (I got VP instead but it was still an honor and my big Sr. year job). I was prom royalty my Junior year and went to the dance with the student body president, then dated the captain of the football team (though that's not what made him a great guy). I had great friends, made good choices, worked for and got perfect grades, and loved the whole experience.
In college I got to study abroad for six months in England and Paris, and travel all over with folk dancers both nationally and abroad. I was asked to be backup for the top team after only one semester of folk dance - that may be almost a record in that competitive program. I got to spend about four months (non-consecutively) of my college years traveling and performing with PAC, from Salem, Oregon to DC to So Cal to the Great Lakes area to New York to Quebec to Scandinavia to Russia. One of my top memories of all was doing Hopak as the finale in St. Petersburg, and the audience went WILD! Still gives me chills to think about it. And I got to dance at all these places! I love to dance. It's kept me healthy and happy for years now. What mom still gets to dance? I do, because we made sure we bought a house with a building we could convert to a dance studio! We love working with the youth, and that France festival tour.... well, it was one of the most significant experiences, spiritually and physically, of my life. Dance has brought me so many blessings.
Gary and I were married by President Monson. 'nuff said. He even came to our wedding reception! Which was at La Caille. Also 'nuff said. You don't get any better than that. I sure do owe a lot to my awesome parents!!!
I've seen Michael Crawford as the Phantom, Patti LuPone as Norma Desmond, and Colm Wilkinson as Valjean. And Romeo and Juliet at Covent Garden. And U2 at Sun Devil Stadium. And lots more stuff that I can't remember right now.
I got to teach French at Murray High School, successfully learned and practiced new skills in corporate downtown Los Angeles, and ran my own catering business in Salt Lake. And (did I mention this?) I got to be a mom. I love my kids. We've been on such great adventures together! We got to go live in Ireland! And do missionary work in North Carolina! And walk the rim of Haleakala volcano! and pet Shamu at Seaworld. And climb the Eiffel Tower. And roam the ramparts of Carcassonne. And walked along the Cliffs of Insanity (Moher). And have movie theme nights and readathons and lego marathons and blanket tag wars. We have good times. I treasure every one of them.
That was a beautiful uplifting post Minds! Great reminders of all the things we have to be grateful for! Awesome Harry Potter party and Valentine's celebrations- I'm so happy you are in a good place! I love you!