Friday, February 6, 2009

A Charlotte Lucas Moment

I don't know if it was because I was watching Pride and Prejudice (the A&E version - it's a permanent fixture in my kitchen dvd player. Unless Gary's doing the dishes, and he puts in the Office season 1 instead). But this morning while cleaning up after breakfast I had a definite Charlotte Lucas epiphany. For the first time, I was able to relate to her and feel that she had done the right thing in marrying Mr. Collins for the sole reason that if she hadn't, she wouldn't have been able to have children, never known what it was like to be a mother. Though my kids drive me crazy sometimes and though I miss "me" time, uninterrupted sleep and quiet meals, my family is the heart and core of my personal universe. Life without them would be a lone and dreary wasteland. A diaper-free wasteland, true, but a wasteland just the same.

Is there no end to the wisdom revealed in the Jane Austen canon? :-)

That's my deep thought for the day.


  1. Hi Mindy!!! I love the blog! You are such a fun writer and I love feeling closer to you though we're still states apart by knowing what's going on with your family. Wasn't that as awesome epistle from Mom? I guess being a Mom never stops, and for the better. Thankfully, there will always be wisdom in Jane Austen. They're scripture right?

  2. You guys look darling- hope you are well- come on down to PR if you get too cold!

  3. Yay! Welcome to the blogosphere! I am so excited to be able to check-in on you. :) Amy
