Tuesday, November 8, 2011

France Day 3.5 : The Halloween Party

After driving north through the mountains we arrived at our castle stay near Clermont-Ferrand - more on that later, but there was no restaurant at the chateau so we drove in to the little village to explore our options. They were few, but did include pizza! So while we waited for our order to bake, we went to the adjoining park and played silly obstacle course games over the playground equipment. While doing so, we saw a parade of what must have been most of the villages' costumed children walking by in a parade, going in to the communal store/pizza joint for a Halloween party.

After a while, two girls about Maggie's age came over and asked us in French if we wanted to come join their party. Of course we said yes! Maggie and Sophie were able to introduce themselves in French, and say how old they were, and we went inside where our kids were loaded down with more sweets than would ever be good for them! We sat and smiled and chatted with some of the kids and their parents, then our pizza was ready and we went out to the park to eat it. But then, in yet another unparalleled example of French kindness, the owner of the little store bade us come in and eat at one of the tiny tables in the attached bar, usually reserved for more spendy customers. He even brought us water and napkins, so we ate in relative luxury while watching the locals drink and gab while the kids ran in and out. It was very cheery and festive, and we were so grateful for their thoughtfulness.

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