Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2011 Christmas Card Text

Larsen Lessons Learned 2011
*Kids who want horseback riding lessons can be conned into doing all kinds of crazy chores!
*Grandparents are treasures and good friends and neighbors are blessings from above.
*We are dog people! Every kid needs a dog. Every mom, too.
*Sometimes your kids are ready for milestones before you are, like Spencer (4) taking off on his 2-wheeler bike and Maggie (10) and Sophie (7) braving it out in a new school. On a new continent. Who told them they could all grow up so fast?
*Dancing is a great way to stay fit and have fun. So is hosting 26 people at your house for 10 days during the Idaho International Dance Festival! Good times.
*Sophie can get motion sick in 6.21 minutes, while Spencer invariably throws up when there is 1.8 minutes left in the road trip.
*Healthy food will make you strong. But candy will make you rich! Or will it? (see Kid Histories Episode 6 on YouTube)
* and Leap Frog dvds can teach your four year old
how to read.
*When moving to Ireland for four months, be sure to take: valid passports, Taco Bell taco seasoning, legos, a Kindle or IPad, and good walking shoes. And don't miss the Medieval Feast at Bunratty Castle, Killarney, the Burren, the Chateau D'Usse, and the top of the Eiffel Tower! (Yes, I know those last two are in France.) And don't tear your Achilles the day before you leave.
*Eating dinner in a castle was cool, but spending the night in one was even better!
*Getting back into academic lingo after being on the creative side of University life for ten years is painful,
but the PhD is a worthy goal.
*You don't have to be an adult to appreciate
the musical Les Miserables.
*Starting the day with a Mormon Message and scripture time at breakfast totally changes our morning dynamic!
Bribery doesn't hurt either.
*Ireland's weather is nasty but it's people are just lovely.
*San Diego, Aspen Grove, Ireland, France and Maui in one year = one very lucky family
*We have had so many amazing adventures, both in faraway lands an in our own backyard. We thank the Lord for these experiences, and for having wonderful friends and family like you! Merry Christmas!
Love, The Larsens

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