Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Very Random, Late Winter Observations

1. I'm grateful to my dog, not only for giving me unconditional love 24/7, but for getting me outside more often than in the past (for pee pee walks) so I can appreciate the beautiful moods of an Idaho winter. Watching the moon wax and wane, looking surrealistically crisp and close in the chill night air; gazing at the gazillion stars visible in a clear sky, especially my friends Orion, Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper; laughing as Bella bounces and pounces in new snow like it's the best toy ever invented; admiring the crystalline frost blooming on the wood slats on my back porch in the morning light as my big black Boo tumbles down the steps, eager for her walk; enjoying the same frost forming on my eyelashes on the longer walks in 8 degree weather... it all truly has been delightful. I'm glad I'm in a place now where I can love, appreciate and care for a dog - she has given me much in return!

2. If you have bronchitis for over a month and it's getting worse, the only way to get rid of it (evidently) is to cancel every activity not strictly necessary, stay very warm all the time, get tons of rest, and stay inside. (This is where Bella's morning walks took the form of me driving along beside her in the car while she ran along beside me.) Honestly, it felt great to actually take it easy, and I got better. Fatter, yes, because Zumba was verboten as well, but still, it was nice to make progress after six weeks of ickiness and an horrendous cough. Note to self, Mindy: sometimes it's O-KAY to slow down!

3. As nice as the warmer weather has been lately, I'm not quite ready for the mud. Spring in Idaho in the country = mud. I actually would be fine with another month or two of snow, if only we got some good storms that really dumped a ton of the lovely stuff and cold enough temperatures to keep it here. We haven't even had a good sledding day at Rigby Lake yet this year! As ready for spring as I usually am... I don't really feel like I've had a winter yet! Not in the Rexburg sense, at any rate!

4. Nothing is sweeter to a mom than having her five year-old son voluntarily wrap his arms around her neck and tell her he loves her. Especially if that five year old boy is Spencer and the mom is me. My kids can be pieces of work but oh they bring such joy! How I love the little buggers!

5. If we don't find a morally courageous, fiscally responsible, true conservative to trounce Obama in November and slow down our current slippery slope trajectory, I'm going to be sick. Since I have friends on both sides of the aisle, and I do try very hard to appreciate other perspectives, that's all I'll say. Here, anyway. With Gary it's another story. I've found though that you should NOT talk politics before trying to go to bed - not only will it give you indigestion, but it will keep you up all night, absolutely tied in knots. Sometimes I think it would be so much easier to just not care...but that's not me.

5. My hollyhocks are starting to grow already. Bless them. There's a sign of hope if ever there was one!

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