Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Milestones at Gram's and Grandpa's

Over Spud Harvest (yes, Idahoans get a week off school while a big chunk of the population helps get the harvest in) we went down to visit Gram and Grandpa, because as Maggie said, "I really need some peace and quiet!" We were only there for four days but we fit a ton in - birthday shopping for Sophie, swimming at the community pool (the climbing wall all to ourselves!), filling their freezer with meals so they don't have to cook for a while, playing with the dogs, riding four wheelers (Maggie's getting better and better as a driver and drove about a mile each way to the Pioneer cemetary), and some firsts. Grandpa got his bb guns out and let the kids take their first crack at shooting coke cans off a log.
Sophie being Sophie did not want to even touch a gun, but after the other two kids had a lot of fun with them she took her turn too.
Maggie's a crack shot - after about a half hour of practicing, she hit four out of five cans off the log in one go. Yes, we're officially rednecks.
 Mag and Grandpa found a big stick that she decided to carve into a walking stick using Grandpa's tools in his Man Cave (aka the 50x70 shed in the back yard).
 Spencer wanted in on the action of course, so Grandpa helped him carve and sand down a stick until it resembled, what else, a dagger, Spencer being Spencer.
And of course the dogs were always eager to join the party! Auntie Bella loves playing with Scotty, Kenzie and Liesl!

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