Monday, November 5, 2012

Sophie's Baptism

 Sophie was baptized on Saturday, November 3rd by her father, Gary Larsen at the Rexburg South stake center. It was an amazing, special weekend for which we have been preparing a long time. Not only did we have many of the people we love best come from all over to share this special day with Sophie, but she really was ready and prepared to be baptized. She is a very pure spirit, who's kindness springs from the goodness of her very loving heart. Her faith is simple but true, and when asked if she were ready to be baptized by Bishop Allen, she said, in her own sweet way, "of course!" I've rarely felt the spirit as strongly as I did when we were in the primary room during her confirmation; it was almost tangible. I might have caught the rustling of angels wings because I know they were there. Gary's prayer for her was very sweet and tender and eloquent. Sophie and her friends Charlotte and Brooke sang "I Like to Look for Rainbows" while Gram played the piano; Nana spoke on the Holy Ghost and how she got her testimony; Grandpa and Papa were baptismal witnesses, and Papa gave the closing prayer.  It was a wonderful, wonderful day.
I am very grateful, this month of Thanskgiving, that I had a husband who was willing an worthy to take part in this sacred ordinance. He and Sophie have always had a special bond, and it was so deeply touching to me to have them share this experience together this day.
Celebrating with cousins Abbey and Chris, his girlfriend Katie, and Uncle Ron
The lunch at the barn afterwards (oh how I love the barn!): soup by the aunts, salad and fruit dip by me and my mom, breadsticks by Brenda, and dessert by Sar and cousin Susan. Above is Aunt Diana, Savannah, Zach, Aunt Mary Kay, Papa, Susan, and Uncle Roger.
 Aunt Diana, Uncle Rog, Nana, Aunt Mary Kay
Sophie with her Grandpa (Larsen), currently undergoing his third month of chemo for his cancer. He was a trooper.
 Ha! You can't hide from the camera forever, Uncle Mike!
Dear friends Sar and Redge (aka Bishop Allen, if I can remember to call him that), and Stephanie Ricks. The book is Sophie's personal history which Nana has painstakingly collected for her over the years. Now I get to take over and make sure it is completed.
Oh how we love our Gram! They brought the dogs up too, so Auntie Bella got to play with Liesl, Scotty and Kenzie! And they all got to sleep with the kids in their room!
No get-together at the Larsen's is complete without a dance under the disco lights! I belive this was the Hokey Pokey - go Gram!
 Beloved, beloved people: Sophie with Papa, Nana and our 91 year-old Nanny, spry and lively as always.

After the party, Nana and Papa went home to rest with Nanny. We cleaned up and then went swimming at Gram and Grandpa's hotel, the AmericInn. Then we went to dinner at Applebees and to see Brave at the dollar theater. What a fun day! Dear people, my Sophie's baptism, good food, good company, lots of dogs and love and laughter and blessings...I've rarely had a better!

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