Monday, May 18, 2009

In Retrospect...

...things always work out the way they are supposed to. Even if you are presented with your greatest fear as your life challenge. For example, (this is not my greatest fear, but will do as an example) I am a homebody by nature. If I could, I would live right next door to my parents forever, have my kids attend the same comfortable, well-known schools I attended, and be surrounded always by the same safe, beautiful neighborhood in which I grew up. Which is why the Lord knew I needed to be sent out into the world to lose my fear of adventure. 13 moves later, we've had our share of insecurities, stresses, job changes, international travel, and living on a shoestring. Which is why I'm not really afraid of those things any more. “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” -Robert Frost. And, if any of you out there had George Henry for AP US History at HHS, you'll know this one: "COMFORT RETARDS GROWTH."

I've grown and I'm still growing and I'm learning that each new challenge has its reward. I never wanted to live in Los Angeles, but we lived three years there and I got Pam and a backbone from the experience. As economic casualties of 9/11, we worked part time for years after UCLA waiting for the full time opening. So I learned how to live cheaply and run my own catering business. I did NOT want to leave my dear first house in Sugar City to move to Charlotte, but we did and I met the most wonderful people and had these amazing missionary experiences and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Funny, this post turned out to be totally different from what I intended it to be. I was merely going to say how happy I was that things have finally worked out so well, though in such an unexpected way, for us. Teaching at BYUI is really a dream job, and if the timing hadn't been perfect, we would not have ended up here. Charles West was to retire three years ago. He didn't, and we moved to a new job in North Carolina. He then retired a year earlier than planned (last year), opening this job right before the crash of the economy and the church-wide hiring freeze. If he had retired when he said he would (this year), they would have just closed the position and Gary wouldn't have had the job here. We would have been in North Carolina indefinitely, and though I am SO grateful for that experience (Sarah, Juli, So Young, Fernanda, missionary work, the weather) I don't think that's where we were supposed to be for long.

So. Life goes on. And what you get from it is up to you. Be thankful for Life. Remember that, kids.


  1. Great post Mindy. Love the GH quote. I had to make german chocolate brownies (my offering)once a week to survive that class.

  2. HA! I'd forgotten about "offerings." mmm, Germam chocolate brownies... think I'll go make some!
