Friday, September 25, 2009

Things I Love Right Now

-Hearing Spencer sing the Star Wars theme at the top of his voice as he wakes himself up every morning
-doing chores with Sophie, who willingly folds the laundry, cleans my lint catcher, and vacuums. When she's in the mood for it, that is.
-Hearing Maggie recount entire chapter books at bedtime while she tickles my hair, and vice versa.
-going to the temple. We've really kicked it up lately.
-my favorite breakfast of a baguette and cheese (currently aged white cheddar), an orange, and herbal tea with creamer (it's cold enough in the mornings now to appreciate it!)
-admiring my freezer full of the goods from our garden, and looking forward to carving our home-grown pumpkins come October!
-getting good sleep. Yes, it happens once in a while.
-a husband who LOVES his job (and lets me input once in a while - he is teaching a Humanities class, after all!)
-My comfort food, pad thai
-Sitting on my back porch at sunset with Gary, looking over the shorn fields dotted with cattle, listening to elk bugling down the street and the hundreds of geese flying south in their V formations overhead, and watching the cats and kids and neighbors playing hide and go seek in the twilight garden. I don't think I would trade living here for anything... unless it meant being closer to family.

Life is pretty darn good. I'm trying to appreciate it for all it's worth.

1 comment:

  1. I'm making your spinach alfredo pizza tomorrow for some friends. I'm so excited your garden did so well! I need a tootie around here to help with the vacuum! You get Star Wars in the morning, I get Casey Junior. Love the boys. I'm loving bread and cheese too- tillamok sharp cheddar on homemade wheat (my first batch that actually rose.) I can't wait to have Maggie play with my hair in a week!
