Wednesday, October 9, 2013

May = Performance Season

So, our Spring Concert and our national competition at Lagoon are probably our biggest events of the dance year, besides Festival Team which got up and running in February, but that's another story - coming soon. Our 2013 Spring Concert at Madison High School was undeniably our best yet - few beginning (ie boring) classes to sit through between the good dancing. Our senior teams were great this year (Tricky, Demented Circus) and the presence of the Festival Team dances (Evo Clog, which started the show; Charleston; Swing; Hoe Down; and Parker and David Stone's Banjo boy duet) definitely upped the entertainment value. I have no pictures because I was too busy running around to make sure everything flowed well to take them. But it went well, which is all that matters. Pizza provided by Nana and Papa, and Kiwi Loco frozen yogurt afterwards with half the studio. Good times all around!

Lagoon was fun this year too, but mostly because I've learned over the years not to stress at competitions. Everyone gets on stage in the end. We go down for the performance experience, not to win (because extreme competition turns out mean, catty dancers - so NOT our motivation). Everyone relaxed and enjoyed the day, and our teams did great!!!
 Kallie, Mairin and Maggie leading the way in a'capella, On The Job.
 The two little girls, hamming it up
 Clogging upside down? With hammers, no less!
 Tricky - a surprise hit this year. Such great energy!
 David Stone, Parker Stone and Joe Andreasen - three of our top boys. In cute headdresses.
 Walk like an Egyptian... or dance like a clogger.
 Demented Circus was everyone's favorite! So "us". No other dance looked like it. Which at a competition in Utah, that's saying something, because most of the other teams dance exactly like each other.
Yay we won cool stuff! Who cares? Can we go on rides now? Yes, our priorities are straight...

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