Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm surprised at how much I actually really miss my dog. Took me a while to get used to her at first, but now it's taking me a while to get used to her not being around! She's such a source of love in our home; we all miss her. Oh well - she's having a hoo-rah at Gram's house. Hopefully she'll remember us when we get back!


  1. We were gone for 4 months and Wolfie was overjoyed when we got home, but didn't act like we'd been gone long at all. I was surprised by that. I'm so impressed that your parents are watching over your dog...that's amazing! She will be happy when you get back and enjoy not having one more "child" to care for right now! :) I was always so annoyed by Wolfie and when he disappered, I was shocked by how truly sad I was by his departure. Dogs are great creatures!

  2. Ha, she's not with my parents - on their white carpet? No way. They tolerated her once or twice last summer as we were passing through on a few trips, and they like her, but not living with them. Gary's parents have her down on their 2-acre, dog friendly place down in Richfield. We skyped them a few days ago and there she was, wagging her tail and trying to lick the computer screen. They'll take care of her!
