Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sometimes it takes every ounce of mental and physical stamina I possess to get through the kids' bedtime. I don't know what it is about that last hour of helping them do their mightly routine, but je vous assure, it about does me in every night. Maybe I should go have a Hobnob cookie spread with Nutella to help me recover...oh wait, I already did that to help me get through homework time! Hmm, looks like I may have to move on to some brie and baguette. Good thing I did me some Zumba today!


  1. Brie and Baguette??! You are a woman after my own heart!! Why did we not sit down to Brie and Baguettes before?? We are SOOOOO doing it when you get home young lady!

  2. Ah Kirsten, Gary went to France on his mission - we are cheese snobs! (you have to say "snob" with a French accent to make it official!) We love cheese! Let's have a platter party - maybe some raclette or fondue? - when we get home!
