Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lesson Learned

One of the quirks of Irish living conditions is that our water heater is not on all day. We turn it on when we need hot water for showers or laundry, then turn it off afterwards. While it is on, it also fills the radiators that heat the house. (So I guess the Irish only take hot showers in the winter when they want to warm the house?) This morning we rushed off to church without turning off our water heater. Then we went to dinner afterwards in Adare (the PERFECT Irish village!!! I want to live there!) at the house of some delightful new friends, the Kellys (David and Alex and their three girls). So we didn't get home until 7:30 tonight. When we opened the door, it was like walking in to a sauna! Which okay is not a completely bad experience as we are so often freezing cold over here, but really, this was decidedly unpleasant. Not to mention that leaving the heat on all day is very expensive! So, if you happen to be dallying in Ireland any time soon, remember to turn off your water heater or expect to melt all the chocolate you have in the house! Which was the real tragedy, after all... :-)


  1. Oh, sad! Not the chocolate! Do I need to send you a fresh supply of Florence's??

  2. No way, it's truffles or nothing! :-) jk, the chocolate over here is excellent. I'm not suffering from deprivation!

    Thanks for being a frequent commenter! Few of my close friends and only one of my sisters blogs, so I just count this as my personal history. Two birds with one stone!
